some said..

some said..
if we respect and and be kind to others, we will get the same conducts from others..
some said..
if we behave well (according to their norms) read: act normally like people usually act,
we deserved their acceptance and will get along well
some said..
its not okay for being weird or freak, we will end up alone


i do respect, be kind to others, but guess what? they used my kindness n stab me from behind,
talked about as if i'm the one who blame and do nasty things..

i behaved well too, but i became invisible, n frustrated with all the ideas
and they didn't listen to me, till what i've been said is really happened

and guess what, einstein was considered crazy and freak until he died then people realised that he was right
people appreciate  monet's and bethoven's masterpiece after they already died too
what happened at the time they live? people considered them as a freako and weirdo..
so peeps, appreciate others no matter how different they are from you
be an inspiration don't be a followers..

as long as you have your faith in God, and follow your God command which written in your noble holly script or book no matter what your religion is that must be teaching you to do good things anyway
and there are no religion that forbid ideas (as long as it helping others not killing others)

be inspiring..
do not afraid to be different..


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